Well…Here We Go (Again)

Quick Hits (cont’d.)

  • An obvious call-out to the Numbers with floor #15 housing the adoption agency and law firm.


  • I enjoyed Sawyer referring to Frank Lapidus as someone who looked like they just stepped out of a Burt Reynolds movie.

    lapidus yacht

    I urge my readers to do some Reynolds research and get back to me with the movie of his that most closely parallels something going on in Lost. Could Smokey & the Bandit be the key to EVERYTHING???

  • The Island Kwons finally reunite and Sun gets her voice back.

    kwons reunited

    This seemed to coincide with their X-versions finding out all was well with Sun-X and her baby. With that traumatic event over in the X timeline, that may have settled their psyches enough to close down the link between Sun-X and Island Sun for the moment.

  • Widmore came prepared. In addition to the sonic fences, electromagnetic coils and a fully armed team of scientist mercenaries, he’s got some missiles at his disposal.

    missile explosion

    Handy. The shot above is one of the many in which we see Terry O’Quinn just killing it acting-wise. If I’m right and the real John Locke will attempt a return to his Island Body, I think we’re in store for some tour-de-force stuff from Mr. O’Quinn coming up. I’m giddy.

Other Stuff from Other Sites

  • I’m not up-to-date on these, but MSG’s Al Trautwig (who you’ve probably heard providing voiceovers for cross country skiing and marathons during the Olympics on NBC) is a big Lost fan and posts video recaps each week. Click here for the vids.

And that’s about it for other sites. Frankly, I haven’t seen much of any value on other sites this season. DocArzt, DarkUFO, Sledgweb and even EW.com’s Doc Jensen seem to have lost their ability to provide intriguing analysis and Easter Eggs, so I may just scrap this section altogether unless something great pops up over the next couple of weeks.

We’re on a hiatus next week, folks, before the final four episodes take us off into Lost’s sunset. I can’t imagine the final four will do anything but blow this week’s out of the water. I’ll be back next week with a recap of a season 1 or 2 episode to tide you all over — any requests?

3 thoughts on “Well…Here We Go (Again)”

  1. On ABC.com’s website for LOST, the “Last Supper” pose for the cast has always intrigued me…obviously the same Biblical reference, but maybe a look at which character is in which position at the table….or other analogies could surface…has any of the websites addressed it?

    Great write up…

    I liked tonight’s episode.

  2. John Locke looks like Owen Wilson in that shot with his neck brace….

    Requests? How about a recap on the first show of the second season….the one where they get into the hatch and see Desmond for the first time…..?

    …or pick one….and thanks, in advance!

  3. EUREKA!! I’ve got it figured out!!! (I think). Think Groundhog Day….you can’t change things that HAVE happened, but you can correct them….in the future…next time around? amiright? I tried putting a couple of examples to my “test”, and I tried to reconcile what Desmond is “doing”, what Richard “did”, what Jacob “did”, and each theorm, as in geometry, seems to make sense.

    However, I haven’t gone very far with this….but I think I’m onto something!

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