Let’s begin at the end. Flight 815 was found. Everyone died. Purgatory theorists unite!
Naomi’s reveal that the doomed Oceanic flight was “found” back in the real world raises a multitude of questions and theories, all of which are probably wrong. The long-favored theory that the Island was a form of purgatory for our dead castaways will gain more steam, even though the show’s creators have repeatedly stated the place is anything but. Well, if we throw that explanation out the window, we’re left with alternate realities, mirror galaxies, Donnie Darko-style trans-dimensional wormholes and our more pedestrian black holes. Maybe the whole thing was staged as part of an elaborate government experiment designed to psychoanalyze humans under high-stress conditions. Or maybe the Others and their many real-world contacts staged another crash site to deflect attention from the Island. Hmm, that does seem the most plausible theory, doesn’t it?
I’m gonna go with the hyper-mirror-reality dimension galaxy theory, as it may give us a hint as to why pregnant women die on the Island. Perhaps, whenever people from “our” world cross the boundary between this dimension and the mirror dimension (which seems to be somewhere in the Pacific Ocean), a copy is created. One twin is sent along their way as if nothing had happened in the real world, and the other is sent to a whacked-out island where grievous wounds are healed within days, smoke monsters patrol the jungles, and PREGNANT WOMEN DIE! Why do they die? Why does an island that appears to foster life so well (by healing the wounded) kill new life itself? Well, it depends on when and where the child was conceived. You conceive it before crossing that trans-dimensional boundary? Then you’re all good, as a copy is created as you cross the super-terrific-ultra-dimensional time barrier. But, if you create a new life AFTER crossing it, there’s no copy to balance things out back on the other side! Life must find equilibrium, even across multiple dimensions.