Ticka Ticka

Other Stuff from Other Sites

  • Doc Jensen offers some thoughts on the narrative structure of season 6:

    As it happens, ”antenarrative” may prove to be a very instructive to us in making sense of season 6. An ”antenarrative” is a decidedly unconventional story that subverts the traditional notion of a beginning, middle, and end. An ”antenarrative” exists in a perpetual place of now. ”Antenarratives” are fragmented, following a big group of characters that split into various story lines that must be tracked separately and then organized by the audience into a greater whole. ”Antenarratives” look to the future, not make sense of the past. [EW]

  • More from the same Doc article adding another oddity of the 2.0 timeline:

    Last summer, Cuse and Lindelof teased the Sideways story line at Comic-Con by showing an ”America’s Most Wanted” video that painted a slightly different picture of the sin that sent Kate on the run. Instead of blowing up her house, Kate blew up plumber Wayne’s place of work. And instead of blowing up her intended target, she blew up a guy who worked for Wayne named Ryan Milner. Check out the video. Burning question: Does this video really represent Kate’s Sideways back story, or did it merely serve as a hypothetical example of what Lost might or could do?

    I’ll refrain from further quotes – the article as a whole is worth checking out: click here.

  • D’oh! How’d I forget this? Ethan really IS Dr. Goodspeed!

    In 1977, Amy of the DHARMA Initiative went into labor two weeks sooner than was expected, and so she couldn’t go off-island to give birth as she and her doctor had planned. When her baby was found to be breech, the doctor was worried about performing the delivery, because it needed to be a cesarean section and he was just an internist.
    Juliet holding a baby Ethan. (“Namaste”)
    Juliet was brought in by Sawyer to perform the procedure and deliver the baby. (“LaFleur”)

    The next day, Juliet walked up to a sleeping Amy, attempting to retrieve the sub manifest without disturbing her, but accidentally woke Amy up. Juliet picked up the baby and asked Amy if she and Horace had decided on a name. Amy replied the baby’s name was Ethan. (“Namaste”)

    That evening, several members of the DHARMA Initiative took a vote to decide whether to execute Sayid. While holding Ethan, Amy gave an impassioned statement about being unable to sleep worrying about their children’s fate while he was there, so they all voted in favor of execution. (“He’s Our You”)

    In July 1977, Ethan was evacuated along with most of the civilian DHARMA population. [Lostpedia]

  • I’m guessing most of you knew this already but “the title of this episode is a nod to the Season 2 episode ‘What Kate Did.'”
  • Tania Kahale, who played Veronica, Aaron’s nanny, in “Eggtown”, appears in this episode as the admitting nurse. It is possible that this is the same character in the alternate timeline. [Lostpedia]
  • Dogen is seen spinning a baseball on his desk. A baseball has 108 double stiches. [Lostpedia]

    (4 8 15 16 23 42 = 108)

  • Interesting: “Dogen has a bowl of black stones on his desk.” [Lostpedia]

    Something to throw us off, or is Dogen on the dark side with the Man in Black?

  • The stuffed animal Kate finds in Claire’s luggage is the same stuffed orca whale Aaron is carrying as a toddler when Kate & Jack fight about him. [Lostpedia]

Thank you kindly, ABC, for 10pm end times for this season of Lost. I’m nearly done and it’s only 1am. Go(o)dspeed and see you all back here in a week’s time.

2 thoughts on “Ticka Ticka”

  1. Great write up and thanks for the tips/hints/theories. I, however, didn’t care for the episode as a whole…one leaves their captors, one follows, they run into others on the way, or way back, they get “caught”, they get complacent. The only “change” was Sawyer, finally ignoring Kate…let’s hope for good. I did recognize the guy who pops the rivet out of Kate’s handcuffs, but can’t remember off hand who he is/was. I like the idea that Jack should separate himself from his peers if he is truly to “lead”. I agree. Not understanding the whole “sideways” flashes….being in two places at once…..but as you said last week, since we have embraced the whole time travel thing, I’ll try to focus on figuring it out. Could actions taken in each “sideways” time period affect both directions? ie if a character does something on the island, could that behavior affect the mainland behavior, and vice versa? since you noted the time periods appear to be a month out of sync? (In some ways, LOST is like an Agatha Christie mystery….anyone could be the murderer, the author just explains at the end who does it and when and why.) Hopefully the LOST writers won’t do the same type of “ending”, where all of these theories and possibilities are just red herrings. But, they have promised us an ending with integrity, so hoping for the best.

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