Smoke & Mirrors

Other Stuff from Other Sites

  • From the official podcast: the 10/22/04 date on the sonogram two weeks ago was a production goof, which I find exceedingly lame. Should’ve been fixed before going on the air with that, guys. The date on the sonogram should’ve been 9/22/04, so no discrepancy there between the 1.0 and 2.0 timelines. Keep this in mind when I try to assign enormous significance to seemingly trivial minutiae in the future. []
  • Dogen’s namesake:

    Dōgen Zenji (道元禅師; also Dōgen Kigen 道元希玄, or Eihei Dōgen 永平道元, or Koso Joyo Daishi) (19 January 1200 – 22 September 1253) was a Japanese Zen Buddhist teacher born in Kyōto, and the founder of the Sōtō school of Zen in Japan after travelling to China and training under the Chinese Caodong lineage there. Dōgen is known for his extensive writing including the Treasury of the Eye of the True Dharma or Shōbōgenzō, a collection of ninety-five fascicles concerning Buddhist practice and enlightenment. [Wikipedia]

    Note the day he died (9/22) being the same as the date of the Oceanic 815 crash. Pure coincidence, according to the official podcast.

  • Speaking of Dogen, I figured one of the more cultured audience members would translate his dialogue to Hurley after the latter ordered Dogen to leave him be:

    You are lucky that you are protected. Because if you were not protected, I would cut your head off. [DarkUFO]

  • Another strong parallel between David and Aaron occurs as Jack picks up the book Alice in Wonderland. As Jack smiles in recognition, you have to wonder exactly what he’s recalling. “I used to read this to you when you were little” could easily be him remembering reading the book to Aaron, as he and Kate played house together two seasons back. How many times has Jack read the book, and to how many of his young sons? [DarkUFO]

  • I agree with the following bit; along with Shannon’s inhaler, Kate’s appearance seemed shoehorned in:

    Jack and Hurley’s encounter with Kate: totally strange. I wasn’t really sure what was off about it until I went back and watched it a few times in a row.

    I can understand Kate’s agenda – after all, she did promise to find Claire. But the way she cheerily spoke to Jack and even laughed during their encounter seemed just plain ‘off’, especially considering what’s been going on lately. Her final words were weird also: “Just go. Jack, I hope you find what you’re looking for”. That message wasn’t very Kate-ish… it was more like something Rose might say. Dunno why it stuck out for me, but it struck me as somewhat out of character. [DarkUFO]

  • A more direct representation of my view that David’s piano-playing was evocative of young Faraday’s last season:

    Jack swelled with pride, with joy, with selfless happiness for his son — with life. The piece: ”Fantasia Impromptu in C-sharp minor” by Chopin. Last season on Lost, another child prodigy played the same number for us. I am referring to Master Daniel Faraday in ”The Variable.” We remember his fate: how his mother cut him off his from art; how she redirected his brilliance toward physics in a doomed bid to save him from her future bullet; how she drove him and rode him and smothered him. [EW]

  • More candidates and their numbers:
    * Stanhope crossed out at 48 (one of the Others).
    * Burke crossed out at number 58 (Juliet).
    * Lewis crossed out at number 104, which is different from “The Substitute” where she has number 140.
    * Rutherford crossed out at number 32, which is different from “The Substitute” where she has number 31.
    * Friendly crossed out at number 109 (the long-dead Tom Friendly).
    * Dawson crossed out at number 124 (Michael).
    * Littleton crossed out at number 313 (Claire). [Lostpedia]

I can’t vouch for the quality of tonight’s recap, as I’m still not quite lucid, but I hope you enjoyed it. I do believe we have a Sun-centric episode next week, if the title is any indication (“Sundown”). I’m not sure I’m looking forward to that, but hang in there — only 13 episodes left! I’m gonna go gaze into a mirror and try to see if my 2.0 self has any suggested revisions for this post.

lighthouse mirrors1

10 thoughts on “Smoke & Mirrors”

  1. Terriffic! What would I do without these?!

    One thought on the “kids”…. do you think we’ll see anything more of Walt (Wallace possibly?) and/or Michael? It would appear that the kids that have grown up and are in the show, have great significance during their early years…Ben, Sawyer, Kate, Walt, Aaron, Faraday…etc. all have flashbacks to their childhoods…I am also wondering if we will see more of Ben’s little girlfriend…I forget her name…

    Remember the Others “stole” the kids, and tested them…they also had trouble with the pregnancy connection…so maybe there will be a tie in with that line of the story.

    There just seem to be so very many story lines/loose ends that need to yet be woven together…I just don’t see how they will be able to answer them all and to explain the significance of them all….and I hope that ALL will be shown!!!! So many answers, so little time!


  2. Just reread your “questions to be answered” that you started last season…

    1. Henry Gale’s drivers license looked a lot like the guy that Claire axed in the stomach last night.

    2. 108 degrees = 108 minutes to punch in the numbers in the hatch….???? ,,…hmmmm?

  3. Another great recap Jeff. Pretty sure the structure you pointed out as related to the Kwons was the place they were married. Just going from memory on that…

  4. Well I heard there was a secret chord, that David played and it pleased the Lord, but you don’t really care for music, do you?

  5. Doesn’t the sideways timeline take place in 2004? If so, Jack’s son would’ve probably been born in the early ’90s.

  6. You’re thinking of The Lamppost back on the mainland, underneath a church. That station is able to calculate the location of the Island as it bounces through time and space.

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