Meant to Be

Other Stuff from Other Sites

  • There have been appearances by a music box in episodes past, albeit one belonging to Danielle Rousseau. Read the Lostpedia article here.
  • Claire’s box plays “Catch a Falling Star,” which we’ve heard multiple times, but most notably emanating from the mobile above Aaron’s potential crib in The Staff in season 2. [Lostpedia]


  • At the Ajira plane, the two “guards” fired on Flocke, and were summarily dismissed. I have to think back to earlier this season, when Bram fired on Flocke and was killed, and then when Ilana cocked her gun when he came out of the statue, Richard instructed her NOT to shoot. Is this the theory I posed earlier, that he can act only when directly threatened? It still doesn’t explain the Oceanic 815 pilot or the Temple dwellers, but it may be something… [DarkUFO]

  • Says Cuse: “There will be very little debate at the end of this episode that [Fake Locke] is evil and bad and has to be stopped. The main narrative reason for him killing our main characters is to establish how much of a bad guy he is and to clearly identify him as the antagonist rolling into the end of the series.” [EW]

    Am I over-analyzing if I dissect that quote and think there’s still room for Esau to be the good guy?

  • Sweet!

    The producers of ABC’s hit drama have shot so much crucial material for the show’s hugely anticipated series finale that the network has agreed to extend the last episode by an extra half hour.

    When the “Lost” finale airs on Sunday, May 23rd, the episode will run from 9 to 11:30 p.m. The overrun will push back local news, with the previously announced “Jimmy Kimmel Live: Aloha to Lost” post-finale special now airing at 12:05 a.m. ABC is expected to announce the plan on tonight’s episode of Kimmel. [Hollywood Reporter]

Four-and-a-half hours of Lost left. If tonight’s episode is any indication, I may just shed a tear or three by the time the end credits roll.

hurley cries

13 thoughts on “Meant to Be”

  1. You’re right…What happened to Frank? I was also wondering what happened to Ben? is he with Richard now?

    Also, The song from the music box is the song Kate has sung to Aaron in the past, and Claire was singing it while she was sitting in the hole in the temple.

  2. Great stuff! Thanks!

    Last week’s enhanced episode revealed something I didn’t realize. I remark on your comment that maybe Kate was crossed off because she killed her father…The enhanced caption indicates that everyone that is brought to the island, at least our candidates, is there because directly or indirectly they were responsible for someone’s death. So, the fact that Kate “killed” someone, just cements her place there. If you think about it, that statement is true. Each of the candidates was responsible for someone’s death.

    And, last week, didn’t we also “read/learn” that Kate’s name was on the lighthouse dial? which implies she does have a part to play?

    I think Frank’s ok, but where is Ben? Maybe back with Desmond in the well? I forget!

    The music box reminded me of when Dogen opens the box containing the sword that is supposed to be able to kill Esau….

    I miss Sun and Jin. I loved that couple….so, maybe it will be their daughter, that becomes the island’s keeper….she’ll come in the future, to find her parents…..

    Oh, yes, do we know yet, who Penny’s Mom is?

  3. Did Jack/Claire’s father give that music box to Claire’s Mom, for Claire, when he visited Claire’s mom in the hospital after the car accident many seasons back?

  4. it seemed pretty clear that frank bit the big one when that door with gushing water behind it took him out on the sub.

  5. Wasn’t Frank waffled by a sub chamber door shot at him by the surge of water? I’m pretty sure he didn’t survive either bring the death toll to 4. Sayid, the Kwons and Frank. Right?

  6. Do we believe that Rose and Bernard are still alive on the island? I don’t believe we’ve seen them since beach-side hut in the 70’s …

  7. Speaking of Penny – Where is she? When they dragged Desmond from his ‘storage compartment’ on the sub, did they mention what they had done with his wife and child? Maybe she’ll show up as the last ferry home?

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