Happily Ever After

Not all of our castaways made it inside the church at episode’s end; not all of them will be moving on. Seeing as this is the last time we’ll get to see our friends, let’s give them each their due.

Her arc largely wrapped up earlier this season; all we really had left to reconcile with her was who she’d choose between: Sawyer or Jack, and she ends up with the latter.

jack kate

Along with Jack, Kate’s character had become something of an annoyance; her constant running and teary-eyed outbursts became cliched and tired at certain points. But, as with many of the other seemingly “tired” acts our characters have exhibited, the finale had me sympathetic to her and all she’d been through. There’s a scene where you can see the tangible weariness in her face, the product of such struggle and hardship, beaten down over and over again; just wishing it were all over. When we last see Kate alive, she, Sawyer and Claire make it off the Island aboard Ajira 316.

ajira aloft

If I had to guess, she probably spent the rest of her life alone romantically but as aunt to Aaron.

Sayid & Shannon
The unlikely couple is reunited in the hereafter; finally together again after having been torn apart so suddenly. Sayid had an interesting arc this season that I didn’t feel they quite capitalized on enough. I would’ve liked to see some of the inner demon the Iraqi struggled with prior to his encounter with Desmond at the well.

shannon sayid

In the end, though, Desmond’s speech struck Sayid right where it needed to be. When I first saw Desmond urging Sayid to think about what he’d tell whoever he wanted to get back to about how he was able to do it, my first thought was Nadia. As it turns out, Nadia was the one thing he had to learn to let go of the in the flash-afters before he could move on. He was destined to be with Shannon.

Shannon was “awoken” in the flash-afters after Boone facilitated a fight with a fellow barfly, taking a beating so that Sayid would come to her rescue in the alley. Boone was one of Lost’s more noble characters, and his death in season 1 also served notice that no character was truly safe from the writer’s axe.


I’m a little surprised we didn’t see a bit with he and Locke hugging it out in the church; after all, the latter was largely responsible for Boone’s death after sending the kid up the cliff face and into the heroin smuggler’s Beechcraft.

Charlie, Claire & Aaron
Much to the assured delight of the Australian psychic who mysteriously told her she must be the one to raise Aaron, Claire got to raise Aaron after all. It’s true that three years of Rousseau-like isolation drove her a little batty (how I’ll miss you, Squirrel Baby), there was no permanent taint on her soul. Turns out she didn’t perish in that Dharmaville house explosion a few seasons back either.

aaron claire charlie

Both pieces of the couple gave great performances in their limited time onscreen in the finale, particularly Dominic Monaghan as Charlie, whose death in season 3 reaffirmed the writer’s message that no one was truly safe on the show (then again, death doesn’t mean much on the Island either).

Richard’s backstory-driven “Ab Aeterno” was one of season 6’s finest hours, finally revealing the origins of the enigmatic and seemingly ageless guyliner-wearing advisor.

richard ajira

As evidenced by his first gray hair, Richard became mortal upon Jacob’s death, finally free of his obligations to the man and the Island, but never more conscious and grateful for life. He wasn’t in the church at the end because he’d already come to terms with his life’s decisions, and I’m sure he was eager to join his beloved Isabella in the afterlife.

Frank Lapidus
I told you all he was still alive! Never question me again!

frank alive

No puny submarine door can kill Frank Lapidus.

Desmond & Penny
The quintessential Lost couple, their stuggle to reunite after years apart was among the series’ strongest arcs. More on Desmond in a little bit.

penny desmond

Daniel Faraday/Widmore, Charlotte Lewis & Miles Straume
The physicist-archeologist power couple and their ghost whispering mate Miles have some things they still need to reconcile (Faraday has to “wake up” Charlotte and Miles has to wake up, er, some ghosts?) and thus remained in the flash-after world.

charlotte daniel

Daniel’s mother, Eloise, despite her apparent “awakened” state, isn’t quite ready to move on either, wanting to stay with her son and try to atone for killing him in her youth on the Island.

Charles Widmore
While he didn’t appear in the finale, he’s always cast a shadow over the precedings with his ruthless machinations in apparent service to the Island. My belief is that Jacob did indeed send him to the Island with Desmond in tow, meaning Charles was one of the “good guys” all along.

Ana Lucia
Last episode, Desmond indicated Ana Lucia wasn’t ready to leave the flash-after world quite yet, and I’m guessing that’s because she’ll need to come to terms with shooting Shannon, accidental or not.

Michael’s misdeeds cost him even a shot at coming to terms with his life’s decisions, and will forever be chained to the Island, whispering to whoever might listen. Maybe not forever, but the blood he’s responsible for spilling on Island ground is a debt he’ll need to spend a long time paying. I’d like to think Walt can still communicate with him, perhaps giving Michael some ray of light in what must be an altogether agonizing experience in limbo.

Benjamin Linus
Ben’s arc this season was just about the most powerful and affecting after Jack & Locke’s. His redemption was in some doubt over the course of the last two episodes, after he seemingly joined up with Esau, but it turns out he really was one of the good guys after all. Ben, though, isn’t ready to move on.

ben atonement

Coming to terms with all the pain, suffering and anguish he caused over the course of his Island pseudo-rule will be a long road; despite the apparent forgiveness of the castaways, the burden upon his soul is still too great. Locke’s forgiveness at episode’s end should give him a nudge in the right direction. Once he makes peace with Danielle and Alex, I think the three of them can move on together.

Rose & Bernard
Good to see the pair together again. Having built their hut in Dharma times (1975) during the time-flashes, they’ve also been taking care of the Island’s resident canine population in Vincent while staying “uninvolved” in weightier Island affairs.


One regretful aspect of the show’s terminal duration is that we never got to see a hilarious, one-off Vincent backstory episode, during which he scratches himself and licks his butt in an attempt to ward off the Smoke Monster. Seriously, though, you don’t have a soul if you didn’t mist up a bit at episode’s end when Vincent lay down next to Jack; there to be with him as he passed on.

jack vincent

Sawyer & Juliet
Their relationship didn’t get much screentime but it’s never felt anything less than authentic. Among the series’ best moments was the performances Josh Holloway and Elizabeth Mitchell in last season’s finale, with Sawyer screaming in agony as Juliet falls to her apparent death at the bottom of the Swan Station shaft.

sawyer juliet

Sun & Jin
They did indeed die in the submarine; if you haven’t quite wrapped your head around the flash-afters, just know that their appearance tonight doesn’t mean they’re alive and well in another dimension. They’re dead.

jin sun

Ji Yeon was likely raised by Mrs. Paik; one can only hope we don’t have a spinoff featuring an ill-tempered Ji Yeon trying to find out just who the hell his parents were.

Hurley (& Libby)
Hurley, of all people, ends up becoming the Protector of the Light after all is said and done. With Ben as his #2, Hurley likely lived on the Island for a long time after Jack’s death. Whether decades or millennia, Hurley was likely the most appropriate candidate to succeed Jacob and Jack and find a way to end the cycle of conflict and death that had stained the Island for eons.

hurley protector

“They come, fight, they destroy, they corrupt. It always ends the same.” Not so with Hugo Reyes in charge, methinks; there’s “another way; a better way.” In the end, Hurley ends up with his once-institutionalized love, Libby, a worthy reward for whatever service Mr. Reyes provided while Island-bound.

hurley libby

John Locke (& Esau)
The real John Locke did not come back to life and take over his body and thereby force Esau out, as I’d guessed, because, well, he’s dead. You don’t come back from death (unless you’re thrown into a magical Temple Spring within minutes of it).

esau vanquished

Terry O’Quinn’s been the real highlight of the past two seasons, portraying John and Esau with amazing ability. While it was good to see John happy with Helen, it wasn’t real–he and Helen split apart long ago, and Locke never got a chance to reunite with her while he was still living.

Similarly, Jack never truly had a son; David was merely a self-created attachment preventing Jack from “letting go.” So, last but not least, the character most had probably grown weary of but came around in a big way this year.

At long last, he can rest. He’s fixed himself. Lost, at its core, has largely been about Jack’s journey to discover himself and come to terms with his flaws and realize it truly is okay to let go of your past. Your past decisions and relationships don’t have to govern where you end up; you have a choice.

jack kneels

He could never find it easy to believe, and when he finally did, Jack could truly let go and find exactly what he’d been looking for: peace.

he did it

His death was a powerful moment, especially when punctuated by the events in the church. Jack and his father are finally together again. And I found Christian’s dialogue a beautiful way to articulate exactly where they were.

jack christian


30 thoughts on “Happily Ever After”

  1. Tremendous as always Jeff. It’s been a pleasure to read your recaps over the past 5 years and I’m sad that it is at and end.

  2. Thank you for the years of explanations and analyzing. Your blog has been amazing and something I’ve looked forward to reading every week.

  3. I have a tad bit different theory on why Ben didn’t enter the church at the end of the episode. Do you think it’s possible that Hurley eventually made Ben the protector of the Island? And thus allowing Hurley to be in the church at the end while Ben (still living on the Island) did not enter because he is now suspended in time like Jacob was when he was the protector of the Island. I don’t know, just one of my ideas about a possible ending.

    1. Nolan, I’d tend to say no b/c only the dead appear in the flash-afters, and Hurley referred to Ben as his number 2 before heading back inside the church.

  4. Jeff – Thanks for the years of fantastic recaps. My wife and I love waking up the morning after LOST and reading your page. Great stuff! Thanks! Now what the heck are we going to look forward to???

  5. Jeff, absolutely fantastic recap! There are no words! Thank you for your dedication to all of us true LOSTIES…..I would feel dead inside, except that I know that there are many rehashes and thoughts to work out in my head!! And, I can’t wait to go back and re see all of the past episodes now that we know “the end”. Put me down for that August date….I think my birthday is around that time……:)

  6. btw, I am no longer a skater, because I penned that name before I knew about Juliette and Sawyer! That, truly was my most favorite scene – the Sawette reunion after their dramatic separation in last season’s finale! And, yes, the “jaters” got what they wanted, too!

  7. Just got done reading this, and your LOST recap finale was at least if not better than the actual finale. Thanks for your dedication and analysis over the years – it is truly the end of an era. “See you in another life, Brotha!”

  8. Jeff – echoing what others have said: Thanks for the thougt and insight you put into the recaps each week. It’s been a pleasure. Thanks from Kentucky. – les

  9. I would love to know if the writers truly had an answer for everything or toyed with the viewers! I stopped watching a year ago but enjoyed the ending more than I expected. The scene on the ocean bluff was great TV and the kiss was possibly “a record breaker” for open mouth lol! Love EL! Thanks Jeff for your interesting and intense comments!

  10. Jeff, this was a great recap. I only wish I would have found you 6 seasons ago. Would have been great to hear your thoughts along the way. Maybe I’ll buy the box set dvd’s and read your recaps after every episode. alas, I’ll need to let go of this great show. For those who still want answers and everything spelled out, did you manage to understand any of the underlining theme here. Just Let Go.

  11. Can’t thank you enough for your efforts. I’ve absolutely enjoyed your perspective every week and always looked forward to it. You’re a class act House.

    Take care.

  12. Great recap as always meng, thanks for helping me make sense of this awesome show over the years.

    Can I suggest you do in depth recaps just like these for each bills game?

  13. Haha — if I do them immediately after the game, I imagine they’d go something like this:

    Patriots 28, Bills 17 – September 2, 2011

    ;lkjasd;fijpiasg;lka ;alksjdf; beerzzzzzzzz lolllll!!!1


  14. I’m a HUGE lost fan and I love the show. But I could have sworn that years ago there was a special lost recap (after season 3?) with the producers where they said that the characters were NOT dead caught between heaven and hell or living in an after life. Were they lying to us? Beacuse clearly that was the case all along. I’m a bit confused and had a really hard time following the last 2 seasons. Another question: how dud the Darma inishitive know that this island ever existed before they came to the island?

  15. The only time they were dead on the show was during the flash-sideways(/afters) during season 6. Everything on the Island DID happen and they were alive.

    I don’t think we ever found out how Dharma discovered the Island, but recall they had the ability to calculate its location via The Lamp Post station in L.A. (under a church).

  16. In the end we discovered Ben and Charles Widmore were both on team Jacob, even though Charles had been banished from the island by Darma. So why were Ben and Charles against each other all of season 5?

  17. On G4’s “Attack Of The Show” today, Michael Emerson described the unaired sequence that will appear on DVD and Blu-ray Aug. 24:

    “For those people that want to pony up and buy the complete ‘Lost’ series, there is a bonus feature, which is, um, you could call it an epilogue. A lost scene. It’s a lot. It’s 12 or 14 minutes that opens a window onto that gap of unknown time between Hurley becoming number one and the end of the series.”

  18. The flash sideways wasn’t real life. It was somewhere between death and the after life, but everything else was real life. So…. What was with that last scene?!? Where we see the plane on the beach and no people? That suggests that they all died in the crash, but that’s not the message the producers were giving.

  19. The shots of the plane were added by the network and not the writers/showrunners. So the shots are meaningless. I thought it was cool, but there’s no extra meaning to assign to them.

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