…Had Things Been Different

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  • Some nuggets from the most recent official podcast, courtesy of show-runners Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse:
    –Kate’s name was crossed off in the cave.
    –Kate’s name was NOT crossed off in the Lighthouse.
    –This was intentional.
    –Smokey may not know of the Lighthouse’s existence.

    Thus, are we to assume the names in the cave are nothing more than a decoy Jacob set up to fool Smokey into pursuing the wrong candidates?

Next week, when I’m back amid the balmy 40 degree weather of Western New York, rest assured you’ll see a return to long, rambling diatribes on thematic concerns and a never-ending list of bullet points featuring closeups of eyes and fuzzy pictures of dogs in the background of a scene. Until then, this is Shanks McGee reporting live from Orlando — I bid you good night.

6 thoughts on “…Had Things Been Different”

  1. Glad your Orlando trip didn’t keep us from your commentary…thanks!

    I, too, feel like there is a lot of “treading water” this season so far. I get fearful that we will not have a satisfying ending to this show…. need some answers. I hope the ending isn’t too “open-ended”, leaving us with yet more questions.

    The recap episodes shown prior to the 9pm show, implies the “island” story line, is imaginary, and the sideways story line as reality. And, the doc Jensen article re: “Alice in Wonderland” ideas steer us toward assuming that as well. That, then leads us to believe the characters are “course correcting” once they land in L/A. (Just like turning the wheel “course corrected” and stopped all the “flashes”.)

  2. i believe i said last night aloud “great, 9 episodes left and they’re introducing new characters” (although they probably only introduced zoe so we’d go “aww” when smokey kills her later)

  3. charlotte had ties with miles…when they came to the island from the freighter…..she has ties with miles in LA as miles hooked her and sawyer up for that date…

  4. Maybe Zoe is “Annie”, Ben’s long lost girlfriend? Or is John Locke’s girlfriend’s name Annie? Either could be about the right age. I gotta believe we are going to see Annie again….somewhere! Maybe she’ll be the mother of Alex?

    Also, one more thought…if the Island represents “the past”, and the flash forwards represent the “future”, then the sideways timeline would represent the “present”. There is a saying that if we live our lives looking back over regrets, or live it in the future looking for what might be, that we are then “screwing up” the present! Could that be the moral of the story for the Oceanic Six?

  5. Per the official podcast, Annie was nothing more than a plot device and has no further significance to the plot.

    The chick Faraday messed up was his fiancee-to-be Theresa, not Zoe.

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