Empirical Sense

  • What’s with the red star on the back of Jin’s shirt? Evidence he’s a Communist?

    red star

  • I’m ready to make my one bold prediction for this season: the Smoke Monster is actually….CHUCK NORRIS.


    It makes too much sense not to be true. Later this week, I will post my investigative report detailing the exhaustive research I’ve done into the similarities between the bearded ninja and Cerberus. You’ll be stunned by how much sense this makes. I could not be more serious.

  • Anyone else immediately think of Arrested Development when Sun said good-bye to her daughter on the phone? “Annyong.”


    Anyone? No? Okay.

  • I think this has been explained well enough by now, but anything the castaways are touching at the time of a flash goes with them. Thus, they still had the zodiac, they still had the other Others’ canoe, and Sawyer still had the rope Locke was climbing down in the Well.

    well rope

  • I found the juxtaposition of the Reincarnation van and the statue of Jesus interesting, didn’t you?

    van and jesus

    Not sure we need to look for any deeper meaning, but it stood out. (I hereby reserve the right to retroactively assign deeper meaning should it become so.)

  • And last, but not least, dear Ms. Eloise Hawking. Desmond helps us out by all but confirming she is indeed Faraday’s mother once he coincidentally meets up with Ben, Jack and Sun at the church in L.A. Interesting that Ben didn’t seem to know Hawking was Daniel’s mommy. What else is she hiding from Ben?

    hawking closeup

Other Stuff from Other Sites

  • Doc Jensen phrased it a bit better than I, when you consider that Present-Day Desmond didn’t remember meeting Faraday in the past until it actually happened:

    The precedent of the Faraday/Desmond moments would seem to suggest that the answer to the Rousseau/Jin question is simply, ”No.” Adult Rousseau did not yet have a memory of meeting Jin when she encountered the castaways in season 1. That said, Faraday did tell Desmond that he was miraculously unique, that ”the rules” didn’t apply to him. Does that mean that the Desmond/Faraday precedents actually can’t be applied to other characters? Time will tell. [EW]

  • Ajira Airways’ website is down. Hmm. Perhaps it’s flashing through time.
  • Charlotte remarks that she knows more about Carthage than Hannibal. Hannibal was a war general from Carthage from around 200 BC. He is considered one of the greatest military commander and tactician through out all of history. Carthage was located in what is modern-day Tunisia, where Charlotte was doing field work before being recruited to the Kahana’s mission. [Lostpedia]

That’s it for tonight. Hope you enjoyed and see you next week for the life and death of Mr. Jeremy Bentham, er, “316.”

10 thoughts on “Empirical Sense”

  1. annyoung! We thought the same thing. we all said it in our house when it was said. Annyoung.

    However, i thought it meant hello and she said it as good.

  2. so…is Christian Jacob? I thought he looked like it way back in the shack…and didn’t he confirm that last night?

  3. “The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham” was originally scheduled for next week. As I just found out on the official podcast, it’s been pushed to the week after, with “316” coming next week. They can apparently be watched in either order. Interesting.

  4. to answer your question about who recorded the numbers.

    i could easily tell from last episode that it was hurley’s voice being heard repeating the numbers….recorded sometime in 1988 or before, i’m assuming after they a;; get back to the island.

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