The Nostalgia Project, Pt. 1

Jeff is a Dumbass – Early ’90s
I’m generally the guy taking pictures, despite what you’ve seen in the post thus far, and it’s probably a good thing. I’m sure Jamie appreciated my badass idiot look, though.

jeff jamie

Jeff & Halle Have Too Much Time on Their Hands – Late ’80s
Halle and I discovered the way to achieve the best possible photo of yourself is turn the lights off and see what happens when the flash goes off. Great success, as you can see.



And yes, for those of you wondering, that IS a Members Only jacket. Feel free to leave your numbers in the comment section, ladies.

David Copperfield Photo Assembly Line – Mid-’80s
My mom took my sister and I to see famed magician/illusionist David Copperfield sometime in the ’80s; can’t remember if this was before or after he made the Statue of Liberty disappear. After the show, and after he’d made a duck disappear, to our horror, he posed like a mannequin while one of his assistants roughly thrust us into frame for a split-second while the polaroid was taken, which likely cost twenty bucks.


It very much reminds me of the Santa Claus scene from A Christmas Story.

Study Hall Euchre Club – Late ’90s
Much of the downtime during free periods our junior and senior years was spent playing euchre in the auditorium at East Aurora High School. The roster included, if I recall correctly, Dan, Stephanie, Sarah and Jeremy. We were pretty good; good enough to have our own custom deck.

euchre cards

That’s it for Part 1. Stay tuned; I’ve got many more boxes of crap to sort through.

4 thoughts on “The Nostalgia Project, Pt. 1”

  1. Oh, and do you still have that ‘PUMP UP’ hat from your member’s only jacket photo? That might be worth wearing again!

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