What a wonderful smell you've discovered!

The reference to the ice planet Hoth of course evokes Star Wars, literally and figuratively. Hurley thinks it’s a good idea to do George Lucas a favor and save the flanneled director the hassle of having to write Empire Strikes Back himself, even adding a few improvements. I’d much rather Hurley re-write any of the three horrendous prequels.

The other obvious Star Wars evocation is about father and son. Pierre Chang’s Darth Vader to Miles’ Luke Skywalker. Miles grew up without his father, thinking him long dead after he booted his wife and son to the curb. But, like Papa Vader, there is still good in Mr. Chang. Despite his public Dharma persona as a hardass taskmaster, he does seem to have genuine affection for his family.

chang reading

One wonders, then, why he banished his wife and son off the Island? To protect them? If so, from what? It doesn’t seem to have done Mrs. Chang much good, clearly on her deathbed.

laura chang

Did she contract cancer after prolonged exposure to Jughead, buried inside the under construction Swan Station? (Or so I surmise.)

swan construction

If you’ll remember that video from the San Diego ComiCon I’ve mentioned about 18 times this season, Chang asks his wife to take baby Miles outside off-camera. Faraday is the man behind the camera and it stands to reason he’s told Chang all about what’s to come for Dharma on the Island, just about all of it bad. It stands to reason he told Mrs. Chang to take Miles and get the hell out of Dodge.

[flv:/media/chang_video.flv 425 350]

Note Chang says the Dharma Initiative “must be reconstituted” in the present day (circa 2007). That, with my own leap of logic, puts some context around Ilana’s sudden shift to cult-like member babbling about “what lies in the shadow of the statue.”

ilana cult

She, along with her partner “Bram,” may be members of the New Initiative. Back on the mainland, Bram and his cronies pick Miles up and urge him not to board the ill-fated freighter heading to the Island.


Miles doesn’t know the answer to the statue question yet, and thus isn’t ready. Ready for the coming war Widmore alluded to early on this season. Bram tells Miles he’s “playing for the wrong team,” and that Bram’s team is “the one that’s gonna win.” Bram seems to make clear that he’s not on Widmore’s side, either.

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4 thoughts on “What a wonderful smell you've discovered!”

  1. I hope when this show is over, someone makes a dvd of it all, in chronological order…like they did with “Memento”….my head spins!

  2. Faraday does age, he was zapped back in time with Sawyer, Juliet, Miles and the rest. He just disappeared, and none of them have seen him since the time hopping finally stopped. Thus the reason Miles was shocked to see him.

  3. i took hurley’s comments to mean he was rewriting empire so there wouldn’t be a return of the jedi. yes, yes?

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