Really Bad Jetlag

Other Stuff from Other Sites

  • Maybe that site actually does have some meaning.

    In 5×04, “The Little Prince”, Locke and company comes across some wreckage on the beach after flashing away from their high seas skiff chase. Locke kicks over a can which reads BESIXDOUZE. BE-SIX-DOUZE, or B612 (french) is the name of an asteroid. According to Wiki, the asteroid is named as a reference to… wait for it… “The Little Prince”, who lived on an asteroid named B612. [Sledgeweb]

    I’d say that’s a pretty definitive explanation.

  • Here’s some more background on the episode title’s namesake:

    Though ostensibly a children’s book, The Little Prince makes several profound and idealistic points about life and human nature. Saint-Exupéry tells of meeting a young prince in the middle of the Sahara. The essence of the book is contained in the famous lines uttered by the fox to the Little Prince: “On ne voit bien qu’avec le cœur. L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.” (One cannot see well except with the heart, the essential is invisible to the eyes). Other key thematic messages are articulated by the fox, such as: “You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed” and “It is the time you have spent with your rose that makes your rose so important. ” [Wikipedia]

    The Little Prince is about two castaways lost in a section of the Sahara desert. The narrator is a pilot who has crashed his plane, and I should note that Saint-Exupery, an ace pilot himself, crashed a few times, including into a ditch in the Libyan Desert. In 1944, while serving in the French Air Force during WWII, he took off from the island of Corsica and was never seen alive again. [EW]

  • Another anagram I missed:

    Ben is scene driving a van that clearly says Canton-Rainier Carpet Cleaning on the side of it. Based on LOSTs love affair with anagrams its no surprise to us that Canton-Rainier is an anagram for Reincarnation. Is this actually a clue for us, or just a simple red herring? [Sledgeweb]


  • Some more stuff on those surveillance logs Sun gets:

    A close look at the files reveal they aren’t related to anything on LOST at all. Or does it? An investigation into the text on the files has revealed that the source of the text originates from here. A very strange game site where users try to solve crimes set in the fictional county of Yaknapatawpha – which is created and used in the writing of William Faulkner. [Sledgeweb]

I think that’s enough for this week. See you in the near-future, time-travel-course-corrections-permitting.

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