Getting kinda used to insane

Quick Hits cont’d.

  • We get an idea of why Faraday was crying when we first met him in season 4, as he watched the news report of the fake Oceanic 815’s having been found at the bottom of the ocean. He’d been experimenting on himself in his lab at Oxford (after having sent his rat, Eloise, through numerous trials), as well as on his girlfriend Theresa, whom we last saw comatose earlier this season.

    theresa okay

    Whatever experimenting he did, it wreaked havoc on his memories. He appears to have contracted a mild case of the time sickness that others have died from on the Island. This would explain why he didn’t recognize Desmond when he arrived on the Island with the freighter crew. The memories he had of Des visiting him at Oxford years ago (when Desmond’s conscious was jumping through time) were wiped out during the course of his experimentation. It’s a good thing he wrote everything important down in that handy notebook his mother gave him.


    As to why Faraday was crying, he likely had some idea of what happened to 815 based on his conversations with Desmond. That memory is still buried somewhere in his subconscious, eliciting an emotional reaction he couldn’t justify with a tangible remembrance of those events.

  • Seeing as how Widmore gave Faraday his 1.5M-pound grant for physics research, and Hawking doesn’t seem to care for any distractions in Faraday’s life that would detract from his development of his “special talents,” it would not surprise me at all if Hawking and Widmore are responsible for the condition both Daniel and Theresa are in. Hawking said it herself: the “women in your life will only be terribly hurt.” Literally, it turns out. If their ultimate goal is to get Daniel to the Island, some purposefully-inflicted memory loss would come in handy.
  • 1954 = Fonzie Times.
  • An Indian restaurant with some interesting decorations. Significance?

    indian diner

  • Not sure about that Star Trek clip. A giant monster on a snow planet chasing punkass Kirk?

    star trek

  • Despite his best efforts, Faraday couldn’t resist repeating the past and telling a young Charlotte she’d have to leave the Island, and to never come back.

    charlotte swing

    The girl’s line, “I”m not allowed to have chocolate before dinner,” was older Charlotte’s final words before she died of time sickness while they were all still jumping through time. Based on Faraday’s Time Rules, he still thinks he can prevent her death.

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3 thoughts on “Getting kinda used to insane”

  1. I enjoy seeing how well they have found actors to play the younger versions of the characters…they have all been great. Do you think Jacob could be Hanso? That clip you included didn’t give a very clear view of him…just like on the island you can’t see Jacob clearly. I am anxious for the story of the Black Rock to be told….now that we are coming to an end, I want to see it all from the “beginning”!!!! Nice write up, thanks!

  2. how come faraday could remember the job widmore offered him but not, as widmore stated, remember widmore visiting, or his mother calling to tell him she was coming over? this amnesia is worse than leonard’s in memento. at least leonard couldn’t remember anything new.

    seemed like some very, very big plot holes i thought they were going to answer this episode but didn’t.

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