Getting kinda used to insane

Quick Hits

  • We confirm what was already generally accepted: that Faraday is the son of Eloise Hawking and Charles Widmore. Both of them want him back on the Island to fulfill his destiny (that destiny ending with a bullet doesn’t seem likely; I think Dan will pull through and have a few more things to do).

    faraday dead

    So, if Widmore and Ellie sent Daniel to the Island to get shot, and Daniel was trying to prevent the Incident by detonating Jughead, does that mean Widmore and Hawking want the Incident to occur? That they want 815 to eventually crash and deliver its survivors unto the Island to get us to where we now reside?

  • Speaking of Jughead, Daniel lays out the Incident and just what purpose that barricaded cement wall served as down in Swan Station. Chang’s construction teams will drill a little too deeply and tap a pocket of electromagnetic energy 30,000 times more powerful than the pocket underneath The Orchid. That could result in a lot of bloody noses. Let’s pause to refresh ourselves on “Dr. Marvin Candle’s” explanation:

    But Daniel also says that, after that Incident, the pocket will be barricaded by cement and a mechanism put in place that will release the EM energy that builds to a critical point every 108 minutes (thus The Button and computer, etc., etc.). So that presumes that whatever occurs when that EM energy is initially released doesn’t kill everyone on the Island, right? Someone had to be left over to board the thing up, yeah?

    Either way, I was wrong earlier this season when I surmised Jughead lay behind all that cement. Faraday wanted to detonate Jughead to counteract or neutralize all that electromagnetic energy lying underground. All that lay behind that cement wall is that energy. No bomb.

  • Both Eloise and Charles refer to the “conflict that’s bigger than any of [them].” Widmore referred to this coming “war” early on this season; a battle for the Island and its power, presumably. We have yet to determine who the good guys and bad guys are, if we dare even designate them as such. Who’s to say either side is good? They both speak of the sacrifices they had to make, but to what end?


    Middle-aged Eloise is clearly shaken just before she comes to tell young Daniel that it’s her job to nurture his “special gifts” and force him to pursue his natural talents in science and mathematics. I’d assume she just got off the phone with Widmore, who told her it had to be done. But again, why?

    young faraday

    What is their ultimate goal — is it for the greater good of the Island? I think that’s the question that’s going to dominate over the remainder of the series. Who should we be rooting for in this conflict, and what exactly is at stake?

  • Our Ellies, young to old:

    eloise aging

  • Let’s take care of the tedious stuff: Jack’s becoming more engaged again; Sawyer and Juliet are on the outs after he calls Kate, “Freckles;” and our castaways have chosen to split into groups again. Jack, Kate and Faraday off to the Hostiles; Sawyer and Kate about to receive a friendly interrogation from Radzinsky, and Hurley and Miles in search of some hot dogs.

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3 thoughts on “Getting kinda used to insane”

  1. I enjoy seeing how well they have found actors to play the younger versions of the characters…they have all been great. Do you think Jacob could be Hanso? That clip you included didn’t give a very clear view of him…just like on the island you can’t see Jacob clearly. I am anxious for the story of the Black Rock to be told….now that we are coming to an end, I want to see it all from the “beginning”!!!! Nice write up, thanks!

  2. how come faraday could remember the job widmore offered him but not, as widmore stated, remember widmore visiting, or his mother calling to tell him she was coming over? this amnesia is worse than leonard’s in memento. at least leonard couldn’t remember anything new.

    seemed like some very, very big plot holes i thought they were going to answer this episode but didn’t.

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