You're going the right way

I don’t have much to say about the “rescue by seagull” plot this week, so let’s get to something I’m more interested in: Locke and “The List.” Locke’s always been a guy to march to the beat of his own drum, one that seemed to be in tune with embracing the Island and its will. But that drumbeat is beginning to sound a lot like that of the Others. He knowingly set off the explosives that destroyed The Flame, he willingly sacrificed Mikhail to the barracks defense perimeter, but what really stood out to me was Mikhail’s discussion of “The List.” We’ve heard mentions of this List since season one. The kids taken by the Others were on The List; a number of the Tail section survivors were on a list; Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sawyer were on a list. I’ll have to confirm this, but I believe an Other mentioned that Locke was on a list at one time as well. [edit: Ben told Locke [the Others] were coming to get him back in season two. He’s on their list. Thanks to Jombi.]

So what? Back in the season two finale, one of the Others made mention of “Jacob’s list.” Based on the mounting evidence, “Jacob” sounds like the ultimate leader of the Others. Whether he’s an actual person controlling events from afar or it’s simply a concept or ideal that the Others rally around, this “Jacob” (a “magnificent man,” in Mikhail’s words) seems to be the guiding force in their pursuits. It’s oft been wondered how the Others chose who they were going to take. What made one castaway different from another? If Ben feels the Others are “the good guys,” what makes those not on the List the “bad guys?” Mikhail spells it out for us by telling Kate (and those not on the List by proxy) that she’s “flawed, angry, weak,” and “frightened.” He goes on to refer to the other castaways as “your people,” as if there were a fundamental cultural, genetic or ethnic difference between those on the List and those that aren’t. Mikhail differentiates Locke from the rest of the castaways by starting to say “the John Locke [he] knew was”….I don’t know, because Rousseau rudely cuts him off and deprives the audience of another clue. [edit #2: Mikhail appeared to be in the middle of saying “para-” before being cut off. Paralyzed. Another thanks to Jombi the Wonderdog. I guess that’s not as mysterious and layered with meaning as I’d thought, but it illustrates the fact that the Others know all about the castaways and their lives before the crash.]

My interpretation of Mikhail’s comments is that Locke is considered one of the good guys that the Others want, but that he’s wandered off the path during his time with the tainted castaways. Where does this get us? If Locke truly is one of the untainted and chosen few, he may be warming to the concept and thus will do whatever it takes to align himself with the goals and ideals of the Others. Mikhail and Miss Klugh were clearly willing to die to protect those ideals and the “right” way of life. Mikhail took care of Klugh, and Locke took care of Mikhail. With a Locke-centric episode next week, I’m looking forward to what he’ll do next to confirm or deny my suspicions. Will he “go the right way?” HA HA.

Quick Hits

  • Another entry for Sawyer’s Book-of-the-Month Club: The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand.

    The Fountainhead is a 1943 novel by Ayn Rand. It was Rand’s first major literary success and its royalties and movie rights brought her fame and financial security. The book’s title is a reference to Rand’s statement that “man’s ego is the fountainhead of human progress,” and is a more specific version of the book’s theme, which is, in Rand’s words, “individualism and collectivism in man’s soul.” [Wikipedia]

    Locke would seem to be the perfect example of this. He’s long acted in his own interests during his time on the island, but he’s also made strides to be a part of the larger group as a whole. There’s something in him that, despite all his efforts to be his own man and shun the influences of others, attracts him to the idea of being a part of a group, of being a part of something larger. He struggled to assign a higher meaning and purpose to his life during his time excavating the hatch and seeking out the Dharma stations, perhaps he’s curious about what higher purpose the Others truly have to offer.

    • The big reveal this week is that Christian Shephard, father of Jack, is also Claire’s father, Claire having been conceived during a “fling” years ago. This isn’t altogether surprising, however, as we once saw a drunken Christian standing outside a house in the rain, demanding to see “her” whilst a woman (Aunt Lindsey) bars him from entering. This took place during the time Ana Lucia was serving as Dr. Shephard’s “bodyguard” during his Australian bender.

      Aunt Lindsey from Episode 2×20

    • I’m looking forward to hearing Desmond describe the new ways in which Charlie “dies” each week. You can’t cheat death forever, as the award-winning Final Destination movies have taught us.
    • We see a baby garment adorned with “BONDI BEACH.” It’s a beach in Australia. Obviously, this is the key to the entire mythology behind the show. “‘Bondi’ or ‘Boondi’ is an Aboriginal word meaning ‘water breaking over rocks’ or ‘noise of water breaking over rocks.'” OMG! THERE ARE BOTH ROCKS AND WATER ON THE ISLAND!

    • Jack’s lulling the Others into a false sense of security, or he may have had a bit of the ole’ brainwashing treatment to get him to happily play football with the same people that’ve kept him captive.

      Either way, depending on how time is flowing on the Island, which the show’s creative staff have alluded to being flowing not so normally, it didn’t take long for Jack to get all buddy-buddy and get an invite to Otherville.

    • Hey, it’s another eye shot! I’d like to think all these eye shots we’ve seen over three seasons mean something important. Eyes of the beholders and stuff. I think I’ll address this in a couple weeks.

    3 thoughts on “You're going the right way”

    1. Fountainhead is a great novel!!! Probably second only to my favorite book of all time..Atlas Shrugged. Ayn Rand escaped from Russia as a young woman,,,and her story, (We the Living), is another good if not semi autobiographical read.

      Could Mikail have been starting to say “para normal” not parlyzed? when referring to Locke?

      And, yet another black person on the show removed from the cast (last week). I’m not a liberal, but what’s up with that? Michael, Walt, Eko, and then Miss Klugh….All we have left is now the wife that had cancer….and her white husband. Might there be some racial messages being set up for answers down the road?

    2. thanks for referencing one of my favorite movies of all time, final destination. I wish they would adapt the next movie to be on an island with the cast of lost throw in. Oh, the chaos that would happen…oscar material for sure.

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