It Worked…?

Quick Hits

  • The Island underwater then. So it still exists in this new timeline, but some cataclysmic event has submerged it under the Pacific. Was it moved there intentionally? Is it there only temporarily before it “flashes” to another location in the Pacific (Eloise Hawking and The Lamppost may be able to tell us)?

    submerged village

    What’s particularly noteworthy is that the old landmarks we’ve come to know on the Island are all still there in version 2.0. The Dharma village is intact, as is the foot of the Taweret statue.

    submerged statue

    This could be false logic on my part, but that signals to me the Island hasn’t been underwater very long. More reaching, but in this timeline, did Widmore maintain control of the Others and the Island? Has he hidden it underwater to ensure he keeps it for himself?

  • I assume you all caught the shot of the Dharma shark we last saw swimming under the raft in season 2.

    shark returns

  • When we first glimpse our primary timeline castaways, they’re just as we left them in season 5; still wearing their Dharma jumpsuits, still bloodied and worn out from the gun battle and subsequent Incident. When they were flashing through time last season, I don’t ever remember them having their hearing affected right after jumping.

    kate tree

    Frankly, the first thing that jumped into my head when I saw that was a sudden change in air pressure (kinda like when your ears haven’t quite popped while you’re gaining or losing altitude on an airplane), almost as if they had instantly come to sea level after being up at 30,000 feet. Could it be that there aren’t two versions of the castaways – that those on-board Oceanic Flight 815 2.0 are the very same that are still on the Island? This isn’t a fully-developed thought yet, so add it to the pile of disparate plot threads that may eventually add up to an explanation of what’s going on in the two timelines (if they’re actually separate at all).

  • It wouldn’t be Lost or a Lost recap without an Eye Shot.

    kate eye

  • While saving Charlie (a nice parallel to his saving Charlie from hanging back in season 1), Jack mentions he’s missing his pen from his suit jacket. I’m all for subtle realism in writing, but I’m guessing that wasn’t an offhand comment meant to be ignored by the viewing audience. File that away with all the other oddities we saw on 815 2.0.
  • You may remember Neil Frogurt from the season 3 webisodes, or when he was shot in the heart with a flaming arrow last season.

    frogurt 815

    And the annoying Dr. Arzt, last seen exploding thanks to some old dynamite from the Black Rock, is alive and well onboard 815 2.0.

    arzt 815

    Dare we hope Nikki & Paolo are back from the dead to entertain us as well?


14 thoughts on “It Worked…?”

  1. The carpet remnant evil Locke cuts off could in some way, correspond to the tapestry swatch Ilana takes from Jacob’s house in the woods?.

  2. I’m wondering if, just like Esau took over Locke’s form/dead body, Sayid is really dead and it’s really Jacob in his body.

  3. Jacks missing pen was stolen by Kate when she brushed up against him coming out of the planes bathroom, it’s what she used in the airport bathroom to try and get out of the handcuffs.

  4. Why did Hurley yell, “Jack!” right before the cut to Sayid “waking up”. It was almost as though Hurley was warning Jack as he saw something!

  5. Jin tells Hurley they moved through time at the beginning of the episode. Hurley asks how he knows and he says, “white flash, headache, can’t hear: happen to me before.” Is Jin referring to the time travel last season? Or to the freighter explosion he miracuously survived? Bomb explodes on freighter; bomb explodes on Island…

  6. Last bit of follow-up on the premiere, courtesy of Doc Jensen:

    Desmond’s got a wedding ring. But are Jin and Sun even husband and wife?
    Sharper eyes than mine alerted me to the fact that Sideways Desmond was wearing a wedding ring on the airplane. Maybe he’s living a happily ever after life with Penelope somewhere in the world. Last week in my recap, I speculated that perhaps Desmond found new love with the woman he got his sailboat from—Libby. (As expected, the DesPen/PenMond lobbyists are now calling for my censure.) As for Jin and Sun, I defer to this email I received from reader William Riedel: “Doc, Nobody seems to be mentioning it, but it doesn’t appear that Jin and Sun are married. You don’t see a ring on either. Watch the scene with the customs again. The second customs lady asks Sun, “Ms. Paik, do you speak English?” It’s very quick, but she uses her maiden name…Thought it was interesting.”

    Charlie’s Story
    I actually feel really horrible about this. Allow me to atone for that error right now, using the format I employed for the other characters:
    ISLAND WORD: The ex-rocker went to Australia to talk his brother into reuniting their band Driveshaft. When he said no, Charlie got wasted on drugs and booze. On the plane, an altercation with Cindy the flight attendant caused him to flee into the bathroom and attempt the old drug-flush. Then… CRASH!
    SIDEWAYS WORLD: It was cool seeing Cindy, Boone (who went down under to bring Shannon back from a bad boyfriend; this time, she wouldn’t go), and especially Charlie, though the Sideways circumstances were pretty grim for this particular iteration of Mr. Pace. Charlie tried to swallow his bag of H — an apparent suicide attempt. His crisis gave Jack a hero moment that required him to improvise, which reminded of the early Lost stories in which the clever, unbeatable doc relied on wits and scraps to pull off life-saving procedures for his fellow castaways. Still, Sideways Charlie was embittered toward Jack for saving his life, embellishing Jack’s status in castaways lives as the unwanted/pathological savior-fixer. But I would say Jack made the right call in helping Charlie. It’ll be interesting to see if Jack’s hard-charging hero act will play as a virtue or vice in this world.

    Sayid’s Passport
    Last week, I claimed Sayid’s Sideways storyline didn’t appear to have any deviations from Island Sayid’s history. That’s not true. Sharper eyes that mine have pointed out to me that former Iraqi soldier and torturer had an Iranian passport. I’d be surprised if it’s a continuity error. Does Sideways Sayid have a whole new nationality in the Sideways world? Might this be a fake passport for some manufactured identity he’s using? Something to track. [EW]

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