Here's to Being Dead

Other Stuff from Other Sites

  • “When Locke is taking a bath and talking to Hellen, he is drinking out of a white coffee cup, then later the cup is a black coffee cup.” [Lostpedia] Continuity error or subtle Easter egg?
  • Sawyer “is listening to The Stooges’ “Search and Destroy.” Which offers in the refrain the lyrics, ‘I am the world’s forgotten boy; the one who searches, searches to destroy,’ plus reference to nuclear/hydrogen bombs.” [Lostpedia]
  • “Sawyer and the Man in Black descend “Jacob’s Ladder” and arrive at a cave formerly inhabited by Jacob. A Jacob’s Ladder has significance in both the Jewish and Christian religions, having many interpretations, among them that it is a bridge between heaven and earth. Saint John Climacus (also known as John of the Ladder) wrote a book called “Ladder of the Divine Ascent” which uses Jacob’s Ladder as an analogy for the ascetic life. It is frequently read by Orthodox Christians during the Lent season before Easter. The episode “The Substitute” aired the night before the start of non-Orthodox Lent (Ash Wednesday) (which does not coincide with Orthodox Great Lent).” [Lostpedia]
  • The term candidate may be more indicative of those six castaways being potential replacements for Jacob, rather than just variables in an equation. I’m not fully convinced of that yet, but could it be all the ash we’ve seen thus far is what’s left of the previous candidates brought to the Island? [No source – occurred to me after reading some other sites]
  • We (I) assume Jacob’s always been the Island’s protector and has always been there. Perhaps his appearance as a teenage boy is indicative he had a life before this (much like Esau alludes to) — perhaps he was brought to the Island as one of the candidates by a previous protector. I wonder if Jacob’s name is written on the cave wall somewhere. [inspired by DarkUFO]
  • I definitely missed this during the episode, but apparently Locke and Helen are talking about inviting his father to their upcoming wedding. That certainly brings into question how Locke became paralyzed (one assumes you would not invite a guy who pushed you out a window to your wedding). [Doc Arzt’s]
  • After her liberation, Kate went to the bathroom to paw through Claire’s baggage. Kate saw a picture of pregnant Claire. Stopped her cold. Then she saw the plush killer whale. Stopped her really, really cold. Kate looked in the mirror. The ”déjà vu-or-guilt?” expression wrinkled across her face. It would totally make sense to me if that killer whale poked at her Island-past life memory, because after all, in the Island world… it was Kate who gave Aaron that killer whale, not Claire. FLASHBACK-WHOOSH TO… the season 4 episode ”Something Nice Back Home,” the episode in which Aaron’s killer whale made its most prominent (and I think its only) appearance. This was the story in which Claire disappeared into the jungle with Ghost Christian, setting in motion the events that would send Aaron off the Island with Kate. This was also the episode in which Sawyer began to step up as a selfless castaway leader, setting in motion the events that would lead him to his own kind of ”something nice back home,” domestic bliss with Juliet in the Dharma ‘70s. This was also the episode that Jack proposed marriage to Kate — and then drove her away with his suspicion that her heart still belonged to Sawyer. This was also the episode where a bleeping smoke detector led Jack out in the waiting area of his hospital suite, where he found Ghost Christian sitting there, waiting for him. This was also the episode in which Jin made arrangements with Charlotte to make sure Sun got a spot on the helicopter that would get her off the Island, setting in motion the chain of events that would separate them. In various ways, all of these plot points from ”Something Nice Back Home” were implicitly referenced in the Island-set portion of ”What Kate Does.” I’ll identify them as we go — just look for handy-dandy SHAMU ALERT![EW]

Until next week, folks. Keep your windows closed in the meantime.

smokey pov

9 thoughts on “Here's to Being Dead”

  1. Ok, I”ll try again. Last/first. I seem to recall the writers wanted Kate to be the “leader” when they conceived the series. And, it was only after the first episode/Pilot, that they decided to keep Jack in that role (instead of killing him off). So, maybe they will hold true to their original plan, and yes, have Kate be the pivotal/leader role.

    Second, the ash…in addition to it being the “protector” that gets spread, and could consist of dead people’s remains, perhaps there is also a dna element to the ash which allows the recreation of those gone, out of the ash…which could feed into the fountain of youth theories.

    Also, Jacob/Esau stuff. I seem to remember from my Biblical stories, that their Mom (Ruth?)had something to do with their “choices” and outcomes from that Bible story. I’ll have to dig out my Bible to review… maybe Kate is their Mom…..

    As for the Greek mythology and all the other Easter egg clues with books and “gods”, etc…I am out of my element on that stuff!

    As for the young boy/Jacob/Aaron…his appearance reminded me of a “savior” image…so perhaps Aaron/Jacob, are one in the same, and will end up being the savior…ie Aaron takes Jacob’s place on the island as the leader…

    As for the Kwon’s….I hope they both find each other and get together…bummer, if not…after all they have been through with her yucky Dad, and the baby thing, and wanting to leave Jin.

    And, lastly, I am so curious to know how and who, the Black Rock came to be. Richard and Esau originally slaves? and who else? Looking for more Charles Widmore background here, especially as he ties into Ben….and, why can’t Esau get off the island without taking Sawyer with him? Can’t he leave alone? or is that more rules?

    Sideways flashes are interesting….but as you say….lots more to come.

  2. What did you think when Ilana said that (Man in Black/Evil Locke/Esau whatever) had to remain in Locke’s body now and couldn’t change? Meaning that he could change before, or what’s happened to essentially trap him in Locke’s body…

  3. Yipes! Good thought about Jack and Sawyer!.

    I think he can still change into the smoke monster, can’t he? He did in the “foot” after he had Ben kill Jacob?

  4. @skater
    He also changed into the smoke monster when at the beginning of the episode when they went through dharmaville (before Richard was cut out of the tree). If you looked in the window you would have seen the smoke monsters reflection.

  5. Other names glimpsed on the walls (don’t have visual confirmation on all of these yet):
    ? – GOODSPEED (Horace, Olivia)
    222 – O’TOOLE
    233 – JONES
    40 – LEWIS (Charlotte)
    313 – LITTLETON (Claire/Aaron)
    11 – STRAUME (Miles)
    135 – HENDERSEN
    316 – GRANT
    195 – PACE (Charlie)

  6. here’s a thought….what if “Kwon” on the cave ceiling isn’t Jin or Sun, but their baby? who, of course, is back “home” with the babysitter? or Jin’s deceased Dad?

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