Yes, I remain fully aware of the fact the site’s gone without frequent updates for the better part of a year, and no, that shan’t change anytime soon. However, I come bearing digital gifts in the form of some pictures from a recent trip to Vail, Colorado with Dr. Jones and the Bossman (coming this Fall to CBS, coincidentally). Broken bones and ice rash were avoided long enough to take a half dozen good pics along with a heap of half-hearted shots of treez. Click the pic below to view the gallery.

It’s unfortunate the pictures don’t quite do Vail as much justice as being there in person. You’ll have to excuse the lack of grandeur as I chalk it up to the fact the most spectacular views came whilst perched precariously atop a chairlift 50 feet above the slopes or barreling down the mountain at Bode Miller speeds*. Mr. Jones took some shots as well that I’ll endeavor to add to my gallery once available. Stay tuned.
As I’ve oft-stated in the past, I’ve got about twenty drafts of quality posts in various stages of completion I vow to complete soon (“soon” = within the next decade). In the meantime, enjoy browsing through the archive for posts outlining the myriad uses for squirrel technology in our modern age.