Random Ramblings

Some random ramblings to start your week with.

  • The series finale of Battlestar Galactica aired this past Friday on the Sci-Fi channel. The show’s 4-year run, while having its share of up’s and down’s, was some of the finest television I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching. I consider it second only to The Wire in my list of all-time greatest television shows (yes, better than Lost). I’m going to avoid a recap and instead urge you add the box set of season 1 (including the 4-hour mini-series kickoff) to your Netflix queue, or run over to Blockbuster and pick it up, or order the thing on Amazon.

    the fleet

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While I don’t particularly like talking about myself (this site and its exhaustive accounting of Jeff Fischer-related minutiae notwithstanding), I’ll say 2008 was quite a year for Mr. Fischer, and many of the people reading this blog are to thank for that. No details, with apologies: it’s been a wildly up-and-down year for yours truly, but I think it’s turned out to be a mostly good one in the end.

You can expect the same whizbang content you’ve come to expect from the site in 2009, and I plan to add a few new features to really take us to the next level (break out your 3-D glasses). But sincerely, thank you for coming to this site and reading my never-ending torrent of first drafts published for your reading pleasure. I would not still be doing this if I didn’t have some loyal readers, and I’ll continue to put stuff out there as long as you guys keep reading it, Lost-related and otherwise.

Everyone have a great holiday and an even better 2009. Big things are in store!

Ice is Back

Rest easy, for I hath returned. I’m assuming the site is now up and running at near-optimum levels on my new hosting provider, but there’s always a chance I forgot to check a box somewhere and this house of cards will all come crashing down in an apocalyptic torrent of fire and destruction. I think everything will be fine, though.

Stay tuned for more…

Oh, and just to make sure you have indeed heard:

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A Capital Experience

I know, I should just punch myself in the face for that title.

Anyway, I’m just back from an extended weekend jaunt to Philadelphia and Washington, DC for some Pearl Jam, beer, monument-viewing and more Pearl Jam. The band once again proves itself as the best live act working today, and sightseeing in Washington was a rewarding experience I’ll not soon forget.

iwo jima mem.

Pictures are forthcoming, but it’ll take some time, as I have 1,000+ pictures to sort through (yes, 1,000+, most of them blurry, off-center pictures of the sky and/or PJ drummer Matt Cameron’s hi-hat), but there’s sure to be some good stuff. I’m not sure if I’ll do a full trip report yet, but I’ll definitely have reviews of the two Pearl Jam shows I went to. Enjoy your week, everybody.

UPDATE: Pictures are now up. Click here.

Indiana Jones & the Lost Kingdom of the Beaver

Dr. Jones and I took a weekend trip down to Allegheny State Park for some hiking and camping, little did we know we’d find ourselves smack dab in the midst of Beaver Central. Our campsite, situated in a small valley flanked by dense forest, featured not one–not two–not three–but at least four beaver dams, two of them sizable. The largest of the three looked like it’d been blown apart by some well-placed park ranger dynamite.

beaver dam

That would’ve been cool to see. Anyway, it was a good time and place to recharge the proverbial “batteries” of life, though that newfound energy was quickly sapped by a return to work on Tuesday. No matter, as I have pictures to remember the fleeting moments of peaceful tranquility, broken only by random, repeated chipmunk attacks and the ever-present fear of bear maulings. Enjoy the image gallery: click here.


Ignore the title and pretend the game hasn’t happened yet, so you can enjoy my Super Bowl Running Diary; a post idea blatantly stolen from ESPN.com writer Bill Simmons (who thought the Pats would blow the Giants out in this game)! All times are Eastern, as this site fully endorses the East Coast Bias™ inherent in all professional sports coverage.

Super Bowl

Continue reading “WOW”

A Winter Nightmareland

Despite a quick start and the presence at the stadium of Kevin Everett, the Bills went down in defeat to the New York Giants amid absolute miserable weather conditions. I’m still wringing the freezing rainwater out of all my clothes. Anyway, despite a bad day on the football field, I got some memorable pictures, which you can view in the gallery. Click below to take a look.

On a more festive note, here’s hoping you all have a great holiday and better new year. Thanks for coming to the site and I resolve to make it even better in 2008 (think more singing cats and commentary on the numerous problems advertisers face when not using chimps in their commercials). Happy holidays!