Ticka Ticka

Many likely won’t have noticed what was perhaps the biggest reveal of tonight’s episode about two-thirds of the way through it (though you should have, if you’ve been on-board with Lost since season 1 and are well-versed in the art of pausing live TV via DVR), but let me deal with some old business and some thematic discussion first. The last bit of follow-up from last week’s premiere can be found in the comments section of the recap: click here. Now then, on to this week’s unfortunately titled episode, “What Kate Does.” I call it unfortunate because Kate’s steadily grown to be the most annoying and one-note character on the show. She’s either running, crying or making out with Sawyer or Jack. I’m hoping the writers have more in store for her to make all this tedium worthwhile in the end, but I’m not holding my breath.

kate cries
Yes, Kate, we’re all crying too at the prospect of another season of you on the run.

Continue reading “Ticka Ticka”

It Worked…?

I have to admit, a part of me was dreading the resumption of Lost due solely to having to write these recaps each week. Staying up ’til 3am every week to write a mountain of stream-of-consciousness ramblings can wear on you. Of course, something keeps me writing these regardless, right? Oh yeah, almost forgot; Lost is a hell of a great show. It took all of about 5 minutes of tonight’s premiere to get me all juiced up again, ready for another full season entertaining you all with that aforementioned rambling discourse on everything from the Smoke Monster to Hurley’s t-shirt choice. Let’s get right to it.

I didn’t consider tonight’s premiere to be of the “mind-blowing” variety, but that’s likely due to everything we’ve absorbed over the previous 5 seasons. We’ve seen enough bizarre events that defy reason to have become accustomed to stuff like springs that bring one back to life or a giant cloud of black smoke kicking the crap out of gun-toting zealots. That doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy the hell out of it, though.

smokey attacks

Continue reading “It Worked…?”

Set Your DVR's

From the Los Angeles Times:

‘Lost’ final season to premiere Feb. 2

One “Lost” mystery down: 1 million to go.

The final season of ABC’s “Lost” — boo hoo, did we really say final? — will premiere Tuesday, Feb. 2, with a two-hour event at 9 p.m., ABC announced today. (Yes, that’s a new night for the island mystery).

That means we are 76 days away from learning if the hydrogen bomb Juliet (Elizabeth Mitchell) hit with a rock before she presumably died in the fifth season finale erases the past and changes the future, like Jack (Matthew Fox) wanted?

We don’t know how we feel about this. If the past is erased, does that mean all of the hours we’ve logged with the castaways didn’t happen either? What have we been doing all these years?

Answers, soon, Losties. Answers, in our destiny, soon. In the meantime, watch the promotional video and see if you can help getting a little choked up.

–Maria Elena Fernandez [L.A. Times]

It Only Ends Once

9:28pm – After a season filled with all manner of time-bending, paradoxical hijinx and hilarity, I’m sure many are asking the question, “is this show ever going to make sense again?” One would hope the finale of Lost’s penultimate season will set things on a clear, straight path to mental salvation that will help us keep our sanity until 2010.

So, did the finale do just that? I dunno, it’s 9:30pm and I haven’t fired up the DVR yet. So, please, sit tight for a moment.

7 pages of furiously-scribbled notes and 90 minutes later…

11:05pm – ads;lkjasdgp;iupa8suf;galisgja; reitvaweei8uqpvw3oijs;lasijv;asdfkja asd;klja;sdlkujqa4w;5 paw43iuae;liajsd aes;alw34ik5234;8p845aw;lkaj baw basea; aslkijas;ditjasd;dlkjas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need the break from writing these recaps each week, but hot damn! Is it 2010 yet?

Continue reading “It Only Ends Once”

Purpose & Destiny

a.k.a. “Shooting Kids & Blowing Up Hydrogen Bombs”

Now that season 5 is almost in the books, it’s about time to shift our attentions to the ultimate end game of the series, and how these last couple of episodes will set the table for the story the writers want to tell next year. Finding one’s purpose and fulfilling a destiny have been thematic elements throughout the series, and have certainly been front and center this year, nicely juxtaposed with the more scientific elements of time travel.

hurley binoculars
Hurley searches in vain for his destiny: a giant crate of Ho-Ho’s.

Continue reading “Purpose & Destiny”

Getting kinda used to insane

Not quite as good as its companion episode, “The Constant” from season 4, but “The Variable” certainly had me engaged from start to finish this evening. It did feel a bit more like a “gap-filling” episode than a mind=blowing wizbang-a-thon that would shake the very foundations of our Lost understanding. That’s probably a good thing, because it’s been a long day and I’m not sure I can manage more than 16 paragraphs on this before I pass out. That said, we should probably try and pin down the Faraday Rules of Time that seemed to have been explained clearly and logically enough tonight…or were they?

faraday mom
“Do you know what the hell he’s talking about? Nah, me neither.”

Continue reading “Getting kinda used to insane”