Backspacer First Take

Thanks to the magic of the Interwebz, Pearl Jam’s new album, Backspacer, has leaked one week early. Lest you think I’m a dastardly Internet villain intent on furthering the aims of piracy, know that I’ve already pre-ordered the fan club version of the album, the vinyl version of the album, and will most certainly be driving over to Target to pick the retail version up next Sunday. I most certainly appear to have a problem (the first step is admitting you have one).


Anyway, on to my first reactions to PJ’s 9th studio album:

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The High School Playlist

Locked in the throes of a nasty bout of writer’s block while trying to write another epic trip report for my beloved site, I of course was looking for any distraction to divert my already-wandering attention. My wish was granted when a certain song that came up in my Winamp playlist, one that hearkened back to our high school days and got me thinking. Thinking about a “high school playlist:” the songs the DJ played (did we have a DJ?) at the dances, the songs we blared on our car stereo tape players, the soundtrack of our lives, as it were.

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The Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra put on a free concert in Delaware Park this evening. Great stuff, though it’s a shame one of the event’s sponsors (Target) deemed it appropriate to distribute inflatable beach balls to all the kids in attendance. Thus, as you can imagine, there were about 68 screaming kids kicking beach balls all over the place while I tried to listen to the soothing sounds of The Blue Danube.

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