Weekend Links

Hope your 2008 is going well thus far. A few links for your perusal.

CBC at the Aud – A great piece CBC did on the soon-to-be demolished Memorial Auditorium in Buffalo. There’s a lot of history in that place, history I’m sure a lot of the newfound fans the franchise has found in the last two years don’t know about. Very much worth a watch for all ages. I want some of those orange seats, dammit! (Thanks for the link, Snakes.)

How Well Do You Know Your World? – A good geography-centric time-waster. I look forward to pwning the world.

GettyImages Winter Classic – A gallery of images I badly want to buy so I can blow them up and hang them on my wall. If you know of any way to buy some of these for less than the exorbitant price they charge on the site, feel free to drop me a line.

Bill Simmons’ Links – I may as well pay homage to the guy I’m stealing post ideas from.

The Ultimate Warrior is Insane – I took this directly from Simmons’ column, but it’s worth highlighting. Six solid minutes of nonstop, ‘roid-fueled hilarity.

Michael Jordan Highlights – A great, great video sure to captivate your very soul.

Oh, and The Wire’s final season starts airing Sunday night. You should’ve already completed seasons 1-4 in marathon viewing sessions, based solely on my dubbing it the “greatest show in the history of television,” so you should be rearing to go for Sunday. I know I am (though I’ve already watched the first two episodes via nefarious Interweb means. It’s as good as ever, folks.)

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

I’m trying to work myself back into writing shape for Lost’s premiere early next year, so I’ll start off slow with some links for your perusal on this fine Tuesday.

SI.com – A great article on Buffalo Bills tight end Kevin Everett, who suffered what looked to be a devastating spinal cord injury in the opening game of the season, but has defied all odds to walk again. A…

I’m trying to work myself back into writing shape for Lost’s premiere early next year, so I’ll start off slow with some links for your perusal on this fine Tuesday.

SI.com – A great article on Buffalo Bills tight end Kevin Everett, who suffered what looked to be a devastating spinal cord injury in the opening game of the season, but has defied all odds to walk again. A must-read.

Green Team! – “Enviro-Tips from the driving force behind the environmentalist movement.” (not safe for work)

Battery Hack – A great way to brush up on your automotive skills while simultaneously saving a ton o’ money.

Skyway or the Highway – I wish I had enough faith in Buffalo’s leadership to think innovative, just plain cool stuff like this could happen. My fingers are crossed.

Valuable Intelligence – A disturbing glimpse at one of the most feared members of the animal kingdom. I felt a bone-chilling veil of frozen terror envelop me when I first saw those eyes. Erm.

広島アレン!!! – I’d like one channel amongst the 786 we have to choose from to feature nothing but Japanese television.

Desktop Tower Defense – The new web game that’s sweeping the nation. And by “nation,” I mean Jeff’s laptop.

HOW’D IT GET BURNED? – This man has an Oscar on his mantle. I do give him enormous credit, however, for that scene in Turd Ri-….er…Ghost Rider that featured a ninja chimp.

The Man in the Hat – Despite the involvement of whiny 20-something Shia Leboueueof, they had me at hello. When can we buy tickets?

Ninjas Walk Among Us – This one’s an oldie but a goodie; one of the original “greatest websites ever.” I think everyone’s website could benefit from more emphasis on the stealthy assassins of Hokkaido.

Optimus Lame – The best part of the video is its’ final 20 seconds, when Optimus “leaps” into action. Pretty impressive.

The Wire – The best show on television returns for its fifth and final season January 8th. I’m hoping it leaks out like season 4 did, so I can watch it all in one marathon viewing session. Don’t let the lack of exposure the show gets lead you to think it’s not worth watching. On the contrary, I think the series is one of the best and most important shows ever to grace the airwaves.

The Sports Guy – Bill Simmons’ latest column featuring–wouldn’t you know it?–a page full of links! I’d love to just steal them all for my post, but I must give credit to his pop-culture genius.

Top Ten Worst Things Ever

10Great TV shows not getting enough attention.
While America eats up dreck like Two and a Half Men, Deal or No Deal and American Idol, there are great things happening in the medium of television that no one knows about. Quality writing and acting that were once the sole domain of the silver screen can now be found on cable networks like HBO, SciFi, and Showtime. The problem is that no one’s watching. This leads to my placing it at #10, because if no one watches other than me and a few other hardy souls, these shows get canceled. Arrested Development, Andy Richter Controls the Universe, Battlestar Galactica, The Wire, Line of Fire, Sleeper Cell, EZ Streets, Heat Vision and Jack…you’re all missing out if you didn’t watch these shows regularly. Okay, maybe Heat Vision and Jack shouldn’t be on the list. But for the love of God, stop rewarding network executives for catering to idiots!

Heat Vision & Jack

Continue reading “Top Ten Worst Things Ever”

He Did It

I’m not going to give this a long, exhaustive analysis, because it’s worthy of neither analysis nor any degree of attention, but I implore the viewing public NOT to watch the scheduled Fox News interview with that scumbag-of-all-scumbags, O.J. Simpson. This is what passes for journalism these days–interviews with a murderer who got away with it and now trying to profit off it by writing a book DESCRIBING HOW HE DID IT! I’m sure Fox, dollar signs and ratings points in their glazed-over eyes, was only too eager to sign up for this travesty.

Don’t give them or Simpson the satisfaction of scoring huge ratings and profits off of this. How this guy can stand to look his kids in the face or himself in the mirror is beyond me. I’ve already wasted enough breath on this. If you watch this, you should buy two hammers, beat yourself in the face with them repeatedly, set fire to your hair, and then jump off a cliff.

He Did It

The American “media” continues its descent into the gutters of oblivion. I can’t think of one, single television “journalist” that has any real integrity anymore. Name one in the comments below and I’ll send you twelve dollars.

Arboreal Devastation

Thank Jebus, I finally have Internet and cable TV access again, in time to give you a glimpse into the devastating effects of the Columbus Day Blizzard of 2006. As of this writing, there are still around 250-300,000 homes without power, and many, many more with extensive damage to their properties. Somehow, my apartment complex escaped the outages, and we appear to be the only ones within a 2-block radius that still have power up here in North Buffalo.

I’ve uploaded some of the images I took over the past couple of days; you can take a look here. Buffalo’s going to look a lot different after this; the lasting effects of this storm will be apparent for generations as the city’s trees slowly grow back again. Truly a shame.

Juggler vs. Juggler

I originally intended to use this post to simply show you a clip of a sweet juggling routine by this guy, Chris Bliss, saying that he’d be the villain in the next Batman movie (“The Juggler”). Hilarious, I know. In searching for the HTML code to display the video, however, I was shocked to stumble upon the seedy underbelly of the juggling world; a world of amoral thievery, manipulation and arrogance. There is an apparent war being waged between the World Juggling Federation and “hacks” like this Chris Bliss. Yes, that’s right: juggling controversy.

Let’s begin with the video that started it all, Chris Bliss performing his juggling routine to The Beatles’ “Golden Slumbers,” “Carry That Weight,” and “The End.”

Impressive, yes? Not so fast, friend. The World Juggling Federation, outraged by Bliss’ substandard performance, shot back with this video of Jason Garfield:

Continue reading “Juggler vs. Juggler”