Of Others and Islands

The best-laid schemes o mice an men,
Often go awry.

-Robert Burns

Such is the inspiration for John Steinbeck’s classic novel, Of Mice and Men, which figures prominently in tonight’s new Lost episode. The story of dim-witted Lennie and his place in the world closely mirrors the situation Jack, Kate and Sawyer find themselves in. As the character of George Milton does in the book with Lennie, the Others are around to discipline their captives when they get into places they shouldn’t be.


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Amenable for Coercion

Look North

Then said he to me, Son of man, lift up your eyes now the way toward the north. So I lifted up my eyes the way toward the north, and see, northward of the gate of the altar this image of jealousy in the entry. (Ezekiel 8:5)

Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. (John 3:5)

Why do you show me iniquity, and look at perversity? For destruction and violence are before me. There is strife, and contention rises up. (Habakkuk 1:3)

Eureka—from the Greek—means, “I have found it!” It is what Archimedes yelled out when he discovered a method for determining the purity of gold.

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Some Light Reading

I won’t need seven pages and 2000 words to talk about this week’s episode, so file this Lost entry under the “light reading” category. Much of this episode was about developing the characters and their relationships with each other, Other and Castaway alike (that translates to, “there ain’t a ton of cool Easter eggs or ‘Answers’ to be found this week”).

The Others have repeatedly referred to themselves as “the good guys,” and if you’re going to buy into that assumption for the sake of hypothesizing, you’d have to assume that most of the castaways are thus “the bad guys.” The flashbacks have shown the less-than-noble sides of them, with increasing frequency. Last week, we saw Jack’s image sullied a bit when his actions are shown to have driven his father back to drinking and, eventually, his death. Sawyer’s murdered in cold blood, as has Kate. The rest of the castaways all have their misdeeds. This week, we get around to seeing Sun’s less than inspiring side.


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Welcome to Othertown, USA!

Welcome back, one and all, to my pride and joy: the weekly Lost recap, where I rely on screenshots to distract you from my cobbled-together theories and treatises on the most insignificant details spread throughout the ABC show. Anyway, let’s get right to it. We open with the now-customary, season-opening closeup of an eye; said eye belonging to a woman waking up in her house in what appears to be Anytown, USA.


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Some Midsummer's Lost Ramblings

I haven’t really been keeping up with “The Lost Experience” this summer, the online viral marketing game that was started towards the end of season 2. Recently, however, some of the Lost creative staff appeared at the San Diego ComiCon and revealed a few choice nuggets about the show, and indirectly kicked off a new phase of the online game.

LOST Panel Revelations:

Lost was intended to be a 4-5 season arch ending with a feature length movie. Damon Lindelof said that they are still planning on sticking to that plan but it’s hard because the show is a hit now. But they don’t want the show to end up like the X-files. They don’t want to finish that main story line in season five and then have to “tap dance” for two seasons because the network doesn’t want the show to end. He mentioned that when that time comes they may have to consider walking from the show.

Time may not be passing on the island at the same rate as off the island. The question was asked about the amount of time that has passed on the island in the first two seasons at which point Damon interrupted and said that’s assuming that time is passing on the island at the same rate that it is in the outside world. That produced audible gasps from the audience and the two actors on stage had shocked looks on their faces. Damon continued to talk about the concept of the passage of time at which point Carlton Cuse interrupted him asking if he wanted to reveal that much so Damon just left it at that.

Hansoexpose.com. At one point a “protester” crashed the presentation and confronted the producers asking if they had no shame. She said her name was Rachel Blake and that the Hanso foundation was real and that the producers were using them for entertainment purposes even though they had done terrible things in Africa and Iceland. She said to go to hansoexpose.com if we wanted the real truth just before security escorted her away.

There are no clones on Lost. Damon Lindelof gave his personal promise and guarantee that there are no clones in the show. Nothing personal against clones, they’re people just like us (literally) but there are no clones on Lost.

There are no nanobots on Lost. If you were there and were wondering who the lone guy was clapping at that revelation, it was me. That’s right, straight from the horses mouth NO NANOBOTS.

There will be an extra on the DVD of every nick name sawyer has used cut together into one clip which I personally can’t wait to see!

Vincent flashback? When asked why Vincent the dog didn’t leave the island with Walt and Michael, Damon said if he had they wouldn’t be able to do the Vincent flashback episode!

Libby will be back in flashbacks! Damon and Cuse said Libby’s back story was significant and still needed to be told since she didn’t have a flashback episode. So she will be back in flashbacks much like Jack’s dad has been through out the show even though he’s dead.

The literal translation of the hieroglyphics according to Damon Lindelof is “Underworld”

The statue shown in season finale wasn’t just put there because it looks cool. The history of the island will become important and it is older than we were originally led to believe.

The six episode mini-series that opens the season will reveal more about the others. The first episode will be titled “A Tale of two Cities” and be penned partly by J.J. Abrams. Abrams will also direct episode 7, the first one back from the break. The new scheduling format is a direct result of fans complaining about all the repeats this last season.

There will be a major revelation midway through the season that Lindelof said will either blow you away or make you say the show has jumped the shark.


The site mentioned by the “protester” is actually http://www.hansoexposed.com/ and has a rudimentary registration and login screen, after which you’re treated to a page of your statistics. References are made by the site’s admin, “Rachel,” to a “Sri Lanka video” which she’s hidden at various locations on the web.

Hanso Exposed

Hanso Exposed

The statistics page will be used, apparently, to tabulate the number of fragments of video you’ve found. I’m not sure I’ll devote any time to this, but ’tis interesting. This’ll at least provide something to tide you over until September.

Dying Together

Lost’s second season concluded last night, and what a season it’s been. We started with a Mama Cass-loving Scotsman doing the dishes in what we find out lies behind the object of season one’s attentions: the hatch. This season has given us a larger glimpse into that hatch and what it represents in the context of the island and the fate of all of the show’s characters. That fate seems to be more unclear than ever after last night’s season finale. I’ll try to make sense of it as best I can, but I don’t think there’s necessarily that much to hyperanalyze, as a lot of mysteries have been fleshed out a bit more, if not fully solved.

The most important–or longest-running, at least–mystery had involved just why the plane crashed on the island. We appear to have an answer, at least from Desmond’s point-of-view. And with that answer we also attain a level of understanding about just what the purpose of the all-important Execute button (and thus, Swan Station) is. When the counter reaches zero and goes to the hieroglyphs (which, we’ve long since determined translates to “cause to die,” or quite simply: “death”), the charge built up in the material/mineral behind the concrete wall reaches its saturation point and is said to kill everyone on the island by unleashing a massive electromagnetic pulse.


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Four Minutes

…is how much the TiVo probably would have cut off the end of Lost had I not been paying attention.

Anyway, now down to the last three episodes of the season, 2×22 starts us off towards the inevitable confrontation with the Others coming in the finale. Judging by Sayid’s suspicions about Michael’s true intentions, fireworks are sure to follow. Others vs. Castaways, Castaways vs. Michael, Michael vs. Others, Hurley vs. Ham Sandwich…

I’ve got no central theme to really latch onto this week, but I think that may be because I’ve had too much Chinese food for dinner and the MSG is interfering with my higher brain functions. Thus, I present to you a series of random thoughts, bulleted for your convenience.

  • We finally see Others “home base,” a group of ramshackle structures fashioned out of old supplies and canvas. It is plain to see that they aren’t exactly living the high life, but as with Zeke’s fake beard, appearances are surely not what they seem. Who knows what could be inside/under those huts.

    Others Village

    Most notable with regard to the events that occur here is the introduction of a new “officer” in the Other Army, one aptly-named “Miss Clue,” who appears to outrank Mr. Zeke (a.k.a. Guy w/Fake Beard; see image above). I didn’t find any added significance to the name on the web, other than the obvious connotation as “provider of clues.” This woman provides a few clues as to what exactly the Others are up to, most notably with her dialogue with Walt.


  • Continue reading “Four Minutes”


Here we go again. The discovery of another hatch. Howeva, we get right down this new hatch within minutes of its discovery. What a concept!

Tonight’s episode focused on the cryptic “?” diagrammed in the middle of the door mural down in the hatch; the hub to each of the other stations on the island. But before I get to that, let’s address the fact that Eko (and Locke, partly) were led there by dreams/visions. They’re not the first to be influenced by visions on the island. Jack’s father led him to the caves and water; Kate (and Sawyer) saw her “guardian angel/horse;” Shannon saw Walt; Locke saw Boone dead; Charlie saw a religious painting inhabited by fellow castaways; etc. Eko’s dream about Ana Lucia seemed to coincide with her passing, so are we to conclude that it’s Ana Lucia’s spiritual self that’s worked its way into Eko’s consciousness–or is this the island at work? The flashes of the past Eko sees in his dream fall into the rhythm of the sounds of the hatch counter resetting, and show scenes from his prior flashbacks and experiences on the island.

Question Counter

Continue reading “?'s”

680 Topics for the Road

Alright, that episode is gonna take me 8 years to write about and this could end up being the longest post in history if I try to dissect every little thing during last night’s telecast (and not just the episode itself). I’ll have to prioritize here. I’ll deal with the big event outside the actual show that we saw last night: a commercial for the enigmatic Hanso Foundation, which aired right before the last segment of the show. I’m lucky I even caught it while fast forwarding, but I did, and it not only provides a phone number to call (1-877-HANSORG), but also links you to their updated website (it had been down for the last couple of months, obviously for renovations): The Hanso Foundation Website.

Hanso Site

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I'm sending out an S.O.S….for frogurt

This episode certainly was jam-packed with….more setup for the end of the season. This was the last new episode until May, so there’s plenty of time to speculate on what’s to come. Judging by the preview for the next new episode, there’s sure to plenty of arguing, gunfire, army-building, and revelations. But that is what’s to come. Tonight’s ep didn’t feature much in the way of any answers to the eternal questions viewers have about the show, but as I said, it provided some needed setup for the home stretch of season two….though that’s pretty much what’s been going on since episode 2×01.


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