
The backyard of my youth in East Aurora, NY. I have memories of hours upon hours of lawn-mowing, bonfires, the old clubhouse (since taken down), and climbing that apple tree on the left. There’s a creek at the bottom of a ravine beyond the far treeline that has entombs many G.I. Joe’s, walkie talkies and toy cars from over the years.

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I’ve seen a few other Internetz blogs do this and, as it’s probably a bit more interesting than a never-ending succession of rambling movie reviews, I shall now join the bandwagon. The deal: take one picture per day for one year. I’ll try to post them daily, but you may have to wait. Regardless, I vow to take one picture for this thing each and every day until May 30th, 2010. Enjoy.

It’s always enjoyable to wake up the morning after a drunken bender and discover the various states of disarray your belongings are in. One such example:

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As long as the dead guy says there's a reason…

Hot damn! Much unlike last week’s three minutes of awesome preceded by 57 minutes of yawn, tonight’s episode kept me interested from start to finish. That last three minutes certainly packed a punch, but the episode as a whole kept me at rapt attention throughout. And therein might lie a crack in the mostly impenetrable facade of Lost. If Locke and/or Ben and/or Smokey ain’t onscreen, the show can be quite a bit less interesting.

ben smoke

Continue reading “As long as the dead guy says there's a reason…”


Really, there’s not much more negative commentary to offer on the Buffalo Bills this season. Before providing the link to the image gallery, I’ll just offer you the fact that I gave all available effort to berating offensive coordinator Turk Schonert after each dumbass offensive play call. Turk was about ten rows behind me, in the relative comfort of a warm booth shielded from the elements. While I very much would like to keep Billieving, I have to weigh that commitment against the countless hours wasted rooting this team on. I’m fairly certain it’s starting to shave months off of my lifespan. Bills Fever! Catch it!

Click Snake Attack’s face to browse the gallery.


The Lighthouse

As part of Lost’s semi-annual hiatus alternate-reality game, they’ve been giving glimpses of new content for the upcoming season (which starts January 21st). At the end of their newest video, focusing on the many books featured on episodes of the show, this logo flashes:


I’ll refer to it as “The Lighthouse” for now. You can see the rest of the logos here.