Paging Dr. Chattahs…

I feel like a sack of ass right now. I got back from TDK’s annual Founders Day weekend and I think I may have partied a tad too much. I’ve lost my voice and bear facial scars from an ugly knifefight with a Puerto Rican gang.

Because of my “condition,” I haven’t been able to complete the Vegas report, but I did add three more parts to it, so enjoy those while I work on the rest. I’ve also uploaded all of my pics from this past weekend into the gallery, with video to come shortly. Enjoy while I go decompress.


The Vegas Report will be up late Sunday night. There’s a lot o’ stuff to write about and I’ve had a nasty case of writer’s block until recently. A quick trip to Dr. Chattahs cleared that up and I am plowing through the rest of the report.

For every season…

Well, you can see the beginnings of the new format of the site. I need to go in and heavily edit this template you see to add some of my own unique flair for professional web design.

I don’t think that last sentence made sense.

Let me know what you think with the handy comments feature. It’s commentastic!

Viva Las Vegas II: The Wrath of Khan

I’ve posted part one of my Vegas Trip Report. The remainder will be posted in two parts and will be coming next week. Enjoy!

In addition, I’ve revised the NYC Trip Report to spruce up the overall style and correct some formatting problems.

Work on the site proper is progressing as well. I’m in the midst of figuring out an adequate blog software to install (either WordPress or Movable Type). I hope to have that squared away in the next week as well. I’m going to try to include an RSS feed so you can all be notified when I update the site (with the new blog, that should occur much more often). If you “need” a link to anything that’s not accessible at the moment (due to the many currently broken links), drop me a line.