Part 5: So, What about the Monkeys???

After another break of amusing Late Show clips and Dave once again surrounded by his "posse," it was time for 'Jungle' Jack Hanna, from the San Diego Zoo.  Ross and I were hoping against hope that there would be monkeys...we'd soon find out...

Jack came out carrying some animal (I forget what it was, it was a few days ago) and he and Dave got to talking.  I think Dave's goal was to get Hanna as flustered as possible, as he usually does--which makes for uproarious comedy and a hint of danger (who knows, we could've gotten mauled by a vicious orangutan!).  I found it funny that Dave referred to each of the animals as "deadly, feral beasts," no matter how benign they appeared.  Ha.  The highlight, as Ross would agree, was when they tried to feed a hot dog to the gator.  I can't do it justice here so you'll just have to get a copy of the show to see what I mean.  Funny stuff.

This seems wrong on many levels...
One of the girls, bringing out a wallaby, tripped on the dais where Dave's desk sits and almost dropped the wallaby onto Dave's head (see image sequence below).  Dave kind of smirked, but didn't say anything.  The woman in the back looked horrified, though, and I'm guessing the girl got bitched out later.  Turns out it was Jack's daughter so maybe not.  Some of you may remember Jared from Hawk Creek in EA, well, he was there as well, helping to restrain an alligator or something, so that was kind of cool.

Watch that last step...

Embarrassment all around

Another highlight was when Dave brought out a fake bird and started attacking Jack with it-again, get your hands on a copy of the show, or see the pic below; I can't do it justice here. 

Finally, a spoonbill bird was brought out, scaring Dave half to death (for a good time, put the two pictures below in a slide show and go back and forth; HILARIOUS!).

That brought an end to Jack's segment, as we went into another break.  The animals were cleared off the stage as Dave was surrounded once again by his "team."  We saw the stage crew begin to swivel the boom camera around in front of us, and we knew it was time for the aforementioned "audience shot"--out big chance at worldwide fame and acclaim!

Oh, and as for the monkey question?  Sadly, there were none (unless I fell asleep, which is entirely possible).

Jack looks annoyed

Check out Dave's face in that 2nd pic
