Oscar 2010

Alas, my semi-annual tradition of blogging the Oscars was foiled by more important matters last evening, so I’ve invited a guest writer to recap the festivities. Please welcome The Wayward Cynic’s newest columnist, Snakes McGee!

oh, and my recap from last night is: for some reason doogie howser is on stage singing. he is doing an alright job actually, and I can’t wait for….zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Congratulations to all the winners and see you next year! Hooray for Hollywood!

Tipping the Scales

“For every man, there is a scale. On one side of the scale, there is good; on the other side, evil. This machine tells us how the scale is balanced. And yours…tipped the wrong way.”

“Sundown” wasn’t quite the companion piece to season 1’s “House of the Rising Sun” I’d surmised in my recap yesterday, but the mirror-image theme continues. Both Sayids, our infected 1.0 and our X (as I’m now calling the 2.0 storyline) versions, accept and embrace their dark sides.

sayid darkside

Continue reading “Tipping the Scales”

Major Trauma


As if I didn’t have enough to occupy my time, I decided to watch some season 1 Lost episodes to prime myself for the remainder of season 6. As you may or may not have noticed, each of the season 6 episodes thus far have served as a sort of mirror-image or companion piece to their season 1 counterparts (“LA X” to the pilot; “What Kate Does” to “Tabula Rasa;” etc.). This week brings us “Sundown,” presumably a Sun/Jin-centric episode, and so we go back to season 1’s “House of the Rising Sun,” originally aired October 27th, 2004.

sun bamboo

Continue reading “Major Trauma”